Gruppo CSA Istituto di Ricerca SPA – Rimini – Italy

CIDEA – Parma – Italy

Kriterion SNC – Castenaso (BO) – Italy

CIRI Edilizia e Costruzioni – Bologna – Italy

CFR Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca – Ferrara – Italy

P.G.M. Acustica – Medolla (MO) – Italy

Mango Mobile S.r.l. – Cesena (FC) – Italy

“Il progetto è stato approvato nell’ambito dei Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna – Por Fesr 2014-2020 e successivamente finanziato con risorse del Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione FSC 2014-2020.”

The main target of the project is to record and then reproduce, in a specifically designed environment, artistic performances that have been recorded in Italian-style Opera-houses.
The project draws inspiration from what usually happens in the world of gaming, in which it is possible to take advantage of 3D audio and 360° video to experience, or at least emulate, the emotion of being truly inside the game, with sounds and images coming from all directions just as if we were involved in a real environment.Read more ...

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